Sunday, 26 June 2016




The internet provides several opportunities for academic performance and competence among students. It is a mechanism for information dissemination and a medium for collaborative interaction between individual and their computers without regard for geographic limitation of space.

Leiner et al, (2000): Singh, (2002), the word internet is derived from two words; “international” and “network”. The Internet therefore can be defined as an international computer network of information available to the public through modern links.

Bassey, (2003), says the internet is a worldwide system of linked computers networks. The internet is the world’s largest and most widely used network. It is an international network of network that is a collection of hundreds of thousands of private and public network all over the world. There are rich and varied learning internally or to communicate experiences available on the internet that would have been inconceivable just a short while ago.

The internet has a range of capabilities that organizations are using to communicate externally with other organizations. The primary infrastructure, for e-commerce, e-banking, e-business, e-leaning and virtual library is provided by the internet technology. The internet provides several opportunities for all academic, business organizations, the employed and the unemployed, the young and the old. The internet is a ‘live constantly moving’, theoretically borderless, potentially infinite space for the production and circulation of information. The internet might this be described as a sea of information; containing text which are not housed between library or bookshop walls and subject are Spain across all field of knowledge.

1.2              Statement of Research Problem

1.3              Research Questions

1.4              Objectives of the Study

1.5       Significance of the Study

1.6       Scope of the study

1.7       Limitations to the study

1.8     Definitions of Terms


2.0              Literature review

2.1       Concept of Internet and Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

2.2              Meaning of Internet

2.3              History of Internet

2.4              Ownership of the Internet

2.5              Influence of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on Teaching Profession

2.6              Characteristics of Internet/Social Networking

2.7              Usage of Internet in Higher Institutions

2.8              Benefit of Internet in Higher School Libraries

2.9     Impact of the Internet on Research

2.10     Other Benefit of Internet to Students and Lecturers.

2.11   Problem Facing Students in the use of Internet

2.12 Common Social Media among Students and Lecturers of Tertiary Institutions

2.13     Common Search Engines among Students and Lectures         

2.14     Reading on Internet

2.15     Types of Reading

2.16     Effectiveness of Reading on Internet

2.17     Need for Effective Reading Culture

2.18     Poor Reading Culture

2.19     Promoting Reading Habits

2.20   Theoretical Framework

2.20.1 Use and Gratification Theory

2.20.2 Technological Determinism Theory

2.20.3 Social Learning Theory                                     


3.0       Research methodology

3.1       Research design

3.2       Restatement of Research Questions

3.3       Characteristics of the Study Population

3.4       Sampling Size

3.5       Sampling Design and Procedure

3.6       Data Collection Instrument 

3.7       Validity and Reliability of Research Instrument

3.8       Data Collection Process

3.9     Data Analysis                                                         


4.0       Data Analysis and Discussion of Findings

4.1       Data Analysis


5.0       Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1       Summary

5.2       Conclusion

5.3       Recommendations


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